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Right now we are trapped in the sanctuary!

A barrier fell at our front door, we are desperate because we are unable to speak with the city hall to come and clear our passage! The chicken coop collapsed, animals were removed from the rubble and we are trapped here!_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_All the animals will be transported as soon as the passage is cleared to the NGO Crer Sendo in Teresópolis and they will stay there until we manage to move to a new headquarters.

Soon we will do a giant campaign to be able to raise money for the new headquarters, but for now we are fighting to get the animals out of here! who have to stay, collaborate on Vakinha Online

Or Our deposit account is:
Itau bank
Current account 59501-8
Agency 0488
CPF 083136197-24
On behalf of the founder: Patricia Fittipaldi

CLICK on the images  beside to see the photos.

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